The Fox with the Rolling Pin – A Russian Folktale About Cunning and Punishment

Read the fairy tale "The Fox with the Rolling Pin" about a clever fox who got what she wanted through trickery, but in the end, received the punishment she deserved.

The Fox with the Rolling Pin – A Russian Folktale About Cunning and Punishment


The Fox with the Rolling Pin is a fairy tale about a clever fox who got what she wanted using cunning, but in the end, realized that her trickery was punished. The story teaches that cunning may bring temporary gains, but it ultimately leads to unpleasant consequences.

The Fairy Tale

The fox is running down a forest path with a wooden rolling pin in her paws. She found it in the forest, but doesn't even know why she took it. Suddenly, she comes across a carved little house, from which warmth is emanating, and the air is filled with the scent of sweet buns.

The Fox with the Wooden Rolling Pin

The fox is hungry and cannot resist. She walks up to the house, knocks, and says:

“Knock-knock, I’m the little fox, a good soul, but cold and hungry! Let me eat and stay the night!”

And from the house, they reply:

“We’re already too crowded here without guests! Go on your way!”

The fox doesn’t give up and replies:

“Ah, how much space do I really need? I’ll lie on the bench, my tail under the bench, and I’ll put the rolling pin there too.”

So, they let her in.

In the morning, as soon as the householder wakes up, the fox throws the rolling pin into the stove. He asks:

“Where is my rolling pin?”

The fox replies:

“Oh, just give me a chicken instead!”

The householder had no choice but to give her the chicken. The fox, pleased, runs down the path singing a song:

“The beautiful fox went –
In her fur, all her beauty shows.
She found a rolling pin in the woods,
And was clever indeed:
She burned the rolling pin to ash,
And took a chicken instead.”

The Fox on the Path

The fox approaches the second house, knocks, and says:

“Knock-knock, I’m the little fox, a good soul, but cold and hungry! Let me eat and stay the night!”

And from the house, they reply:

“We’re already too crowded here without guests! Go on your way!”

The fox replies:

“Ah, how much space do I need? I’ll lie on the bench, my tail under the bench, and the chicken next to me!”

Once again, they let her in.

The next morning, the fox has eaten the chicken, and as soon as the householder wakes up, she says:

“Where’s my chicken? Oh, give me a goose instead!”

The householder, with no other option, gives her the goose. The fox, pleased, runs through the forest again, singing:

“The beautiful fox went –
In her fur, all her beauty shows.
She found a rolling pin in the woods,
And was clever indeed:
She burned the rolling pin to ash,
And took a chicken instead.
And for the chicken –
A goose – a snow goose.”

The fox approaches the third house, knocks again, and says:

“Knock-knock, I’m the little fox, a good soul, but cold and hungry! Let me eat and stay the night!”

And from the house, they reply:

“We’re already too crowded here without guests! Go on your way!”

The fox, as always, finds an excuse:

“Ah, how much space do I need? I’ll lie on the bench, my tail under the bench, and the goose next to me!”

Once more, they let her in.

The next morning, the fox has eaten the goose, and when the householder wakes up, she says:

“Where’s my goose? Oh, give me your girl instead!”

The householder is sad to give up his daughter, but what else can he do? He places his dog in a sack and gives it to the fox. The fox runs off with the sack and says:

“Well, little girl, sing me a merry song!”

But from the sack comes the loud barking of the dog. The fox, frightened, drops the sack and runs deep into the forest.

The dog escapes from the sack and chases the fox. The fox runs and runs until she reaches her den. She sits down and begins speaking:

“My sharp eyes, what have you been doing?”

“We’ve been watching carefully.”

“My beautiful ears, what have you been doing?”

“We’ve been listening carefully.”

“My swift legs, what have you been doing?”

“We’ve been running with all our might.”

“My fluffy tail, what have you been doing?”

“I dragged along the ground, hindering your running.”

“Ah, you scoundrel! I’ll pull you out of the den and teach you a lesson!”

The fox pulled her tail out of the den, and the dog grabbed her, dragged her out, and began shaking her!


This fairy tale teaches us that although cunning may bring temporary gains, it ultimately leads to unpleasant consequences. It is better to be honest than to be sly.

Questions About the Story

  • How did the fox use her rolling pin, and what did she get for it?
  • Why did the fox lose everything in the end?
  • What lesson can we learn from this story?

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